Baden-Württemberg receives the EU Commission's "Regional Innovation Valley" label - 01/07/2024
The EU research project PRECISEU, which started in June 2024 and will run for five years, aims to connect innovation ecosystems across Europe and advance personalised medicine throughout Europe. BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg is one of 25 partner organisations from 11 European countries that are working on the further development of customised healthcare as part of the research project.
The start of a transnational cooperation for a future of sustainable healthcare - 25/07/2024
The HACK-IT-NET (“Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork”) project aims to provide holistic and seamless healthcare for all patients in the Alpine region. The project, which was launched in July 2024 and will run for three years, aims to bring together stakeholders in the healthcare sector to create a forward-looking healthcare ecosystem in the Alpine region. BIOPRO is a partner.
Website address: https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/search