TGU Varimol - 24/07/2020
Using a simple molecular click process, biochemists have been able to connect ring-shaped molecules with each other and couple therapeutically active substances to these molecules. Drugs can thus be specifically delivered to diseased cells and used for imaging processes or biosensors. The Stuttgart-based start-up Varimol is using this new technology to provide its customers with tailored applications that are as simple to use as a kit.
Product testing under real conditions - 11/05/2022
Coming up with innovative ideas and products in the medical care area is highly relevant not only for the further development of Baden-Württemberg as a health region, but also for improving healthcare itself. However, bridging the gap between industry and the clinic often proves difficult. To drive this process forward, the INSPIRE Living Lab was opened at the University Medical Centre Mannheim in 2021.
The start of a transnational cooperation for a future of sustainable healthcare - 25/07/2024
The HACK-IT-NET (“Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork”) project aims to provide holistic and seamless healthcare for all patients in the Alpine region. The project, which was launched in July 2024 and will run for three years, aims to bring together stakeholders in the healthcare sector to create a forward-looking healthcare ecosystem in the Alpine region. BIOPRO is a partner.
New edition - 24/05/2019
Cancer is usually not curable when metastases have formed in the body. Metastases are often resistant to drugs that have successfully eliminated the primary tumour. The basic features of the complex process of metastasis are now known, but many details still remain elusive. Intensive research activities are focusing on new therapeutic concepts aimed at developing effective anti-metastatic therapies.
Website address: https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/search